This blog discusses the meanings of Clairvoyance in detail. It debates its existence in science, spirituality, religion, and literature. Read On.
A Clairvoyant can recognize an octave out of an astounding range of vibrations, enabling them to perceive more of the world than someone with limited perceptions, rewording the British author Charles Webster Leadbeater.

Clairvoyance refers to an extrasensory perception that remains a mystery without precise explanations. There are many misconceptions about the phenomenon, but none are entirely accurate. A claim to clairvoyance involves clear-sightedness or precognition and the ability to gather information about any subject via occult means.
“Precognition” is not always the result of the devil or a weird phenomenon. Instead, it can be a psychic ability of remote viewing that allows believers or practitioners to see multiple past and future events. The feeling of clairvoyance resembles a sensation unattributable to the research studies. It is incomprehensible, frightening, and above all, reminiscent of a sixth sense. Essentially, clairvoyance is a brain phenomenon that anyone can develop.
Although, in many scientific circles, Parapsychology, including Clairvoyance and Psychic Abilities, is considered Pseudoscience. Studies in parapsychology seldom appear in scientific journals; they typically can be found in niche publications. And over the past century, parapsychology has faced accusations of continuing to investigate without proving the existence of Psychic Phenomena. However, why does a substantial population continue to hold on to the “idea” of Psychic Ability? The question is, what draws people to Clairvoyance and Supernatural Pursuits?
Then again, the study of Astrology or Cosmology is another popular science that is often “mocked” or debunked. Some claim that the earth’s position with other celestial bodies influences our daily lives. Others find it laughable. However, who is correct? Often people are skeptical about things they do not understand, but that does not prove its lack of legitimacy. In other words, a native English speaker might not understand Spanish, French, or Hindi per se. But that cannot imply foreign languages are invalid. Astrology, in fact, is similar to a foreign language that not many are familiar with because it requires extensive study and research.
Therefore, in terms of Clairvoyance or Parapsychology, what are the fundamental beliefs of a Clairvoyant?
Can only “certain people” perceive Extrasensory Perceptions, OR does it pertain to all? Are Psychic Phenomena like Clairvoyance Scientific or Religious?
While many paranormal phenomena have occurred before the advancement of science and technology, Telepathy or Psychic Communication is now a reality, i.e., it surfaces in academic papers. Research suggests that the brain transmits electrical signals through nerves. “BUT” we cannot just connect all heads through a giant web of nerves; even if we could, it would be impractical.
Electronic devices, however, can measure the electrical activity of brain cells. It could then be transmitted, like the internet, and turned back into brain cell activity at the other end. Perhaps it is best described as a “Prelude to Telepathy,” more like a proof of concept than a functioning system. The technology for “thought transmission” and the thorough process required to operate effectively “still” does not exist. Even if it existed, we would “still” need to figure out how to read the “language of our brains.” With projects like Elon Musk’s Neuralink on the horizon, that day may arrive sooner than we expect. However, most research studies have concluded that “Telepathy” is not necessarily the same as “Clairvoyance.”
As mentioned earlier, clairvoyance is a form of Extrasensory Perception. Then again, Telepathy, Precognition, and Clairvoyance; all typically constitute Parapsychological Phenomena. As nouns, “Clairvoyance” is the power to see the future, while “Telepathy” is the capability to communicate directly by psychic means. The mutual exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings, or emotions at a distance between minds without communication through ordinary physical channels. In any case, one can logically infer that they are all interconnected.

As per Spiritualists, Psychics, and Mystics, “Clairvoyants” tend to locate lost objects or people and anticipate accidents in their dreams. There is a belief that clairvoyance allows one to see what they want to manifest in the future. Witch trials from the early modern period reported similar phenomena, including the appearance of spirits in quasi-material form and the ability to gain knowledge from spirits. Several Hindu spiritualists claim they are clairvoyant if they have a strong imagination and tend to daydream. However, some Christian Spiritists believe that the mind of a clairvoyant flashes with eerie pictures of past and future events, someone who frequently sees or trusts in universal signs from angels through recurring numbers or vivid dreams. As strange as this may sound, there have been unexplainable reports of such occurrences.
Originally, spiritualist gatherings were devoted to demonstrating and studying psychic abilities, such as Telepathy and Clairvoyance. But in our modern world, “Clairvoyance” might conjure up images of gypsies peering into crystal balls, odd table-tapping in the dark, or the turbaned charlatans, supposedly telling “our futures.” Unfortunately, they are not all clairvoyants, per se. Some may even resort to fraud to earn enough to “make their ends meet.”
Why do some Spiritual Gurus appear “Divine” while some turn out as Imposters? Do Clairvoyants believe in Religion or Science?
How do Clairvoyants seem Godlike? Could it have been their psychic abilities and innate gift OR understanding of life in general?
The history and religions of the world have seen various ways of communicating with the discarnate ancestors of the recently deceased. Even though the purpose of such communication and the understanding of spirit existence vary widely.
Traditionally, mythology holds that “Clairvoyants” or people with “Psychic Abilities” could levitate objects. Be sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world, speak without a channel, leave pictures on photographic plates, and materialize objects, including themselves. They were also called “mediums.”
A medium that can convey messages between the human and spiritual worlds. A control entity that is a non-physical spirit transmitting messages to the “medium,” who then relays them to the Earthlings. Then again, many Spiritists from several religious movements believed that they could communicate directly with the dead through the aid of a “medium.” For example, some “mediums” worked in trance-like states, and some claimed to be the catalyst for paranormal physical phenomena.
Ultimately, with time and research, many of those “mediums” turned out to be frauds, using stage magic tricks to convince people they possessed “clairvoyant powers.” However, before the disappointments began to surface, it was a popular pastime in Victorian drawing rooms. The practice of holding sittings to communicate with spirits spread rapidly. And in the 1860s, it became increasingly popular in England and France.

That is when, in mid-victorian literature, authors such as George Elliot, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, and George MacDonald wrote short stories in light of supernatural studies. They predominantly addressed the authenticity of mesmeric experiences and indicated that “clairvoyance is probably possible.”
For instance, in George Elliot’s The Lifted Veil, telepathy represents the ability to see beneath the surface of human relations, a concept that the egotistical “Latimer” fears will damage his understanding of human behavior, so he rejects it. Latimer never gets a deeper insight into human nature or his relationship with other humans. The story warns that clairvoyance alone cannot reveal the world’s truth. Hence, with every layer exposed, we must look deeper and accept both the worst and the best of humanity.
Then, in Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s A Strange Story, the skeptic, materialist physician “Allen Fenwick” witnesses myriad strange occurrences, including the raising of demons, magic, and visions, and battles the soulless mesmerist Margrave, who is searching for the elixir of life. “Lilian,” Fenwick’s clairvoyant fiancée, struggles with “thoughts” that are “too fantastic and too visionary” for daily existence, making her frustrated with her future husband and her life on this planet. This story revolves around Fenwick and Lilian’s journey toward spiritual revelation and gaining insight into their place in the universe.
Lastly, George MacDonald’s The Portent discusses mesmeric clairvoyance as uniquely characterized by sexuality and disregard for social convention only when repressive conditions prevail. The clairvoyant link between the two characters, “Duncan and Alice,” represents an erotic attraction portrayed as natural and wholesome but also inappropriate and unsustainable in the long run. All three stories ultimately focus on living meaningfully and joyfully in the ordinary, non-supernatural realm. Furthermore, the mesmerizing clairvoyance of these short stories disappears at the end of each tale. Considering the three authors discussed here, they all hope, as clairvoyants do, to open the eyes of their readers to the truth that is not “readily apparent.”

In contrast, several Hindu spiritual philosophies connect “clairvoyance” to the “third eye” connection. From Ancient Central and East Asian literature to contemporary metaphysical theories centered on yoga, all refer to the third eye. Taking Sadhguru as an example, the highly well-known Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality stated that anyone could achieve psychic power with practice. He mentions how the global education system has failed to understand the meaning of life itself and what the human body can accomplish. Additionally, he revealed that many Sanskrit words describe various mental states. For example, Chitta is the innermost core of the mind, which connects an individual to higher consciousness. When the Chitta becomes conscious and acquires a certain level of awareness and control, self-consciousness is accessed. Sadhguru describes consciousness as a dimension that is neither physical nor electrical nor electromagnetic.
In fact, new evidence indicates the interactions between the brain and the higher states of consciousness. Among its contents is the notion of the inner “third eye,” related to the “pineal gland,” which aids in mystical experiences, higher states of consciousness, and Extrasensory Perception. Dr. Ashok Panagariya, a neurologist in Jaipur, has contributed to a new understanding of Psychic Phenomena in the past few years. His research on the two functional brain units and consciousness could eventually allow humans to induce Extrasensory Perception At Will. He mentions that the “pineal gland” is the only link between mind and body, and this organ lies midway between the two halves of the brain.
Pineal Gland studies are a great future link between human and superhuman experiences. Dr. Panagariya also explained that the “third eye” could be activated to spiritual world frequencies, enabling a person to have the sense of all-knowing, godlike euphoria, and oneness all around them. And with the help of meditation, yoga, or other esoteric and occult methods, the “pineal gland” can also enable a person to travel into alternate dimensions, a phenomenon popularly known as Astral Travel, Cosmological Projection, or Remote Viewing.
According to Dr. Panagariya’s discovery, the “pineal gland” releases beta-carbolines, a neurotransmitter that enhances Parapsychology. In addition, Psychic Researchers will find interest in his study confirming the human brain contains magnetite or ferrous oxide, allowing it to detect magnetic fields. Based on his explanations, the use of magnetite in the brains of birds and other animals for navigation is very well known. As for humans, the magnetite accumulates primarily in the “pineal gland” and temporal lobe, offering a scientific explanation for spiritual, mystical, and paranormal experiences.
Therefore, “Clairvoyance” is both a spiritual pursuit and a scientific endeavor. Parapsychology may not have solid evidence to support it, but that does not guarantee it does not exist or is a myth!! And those who deny the existence of precognition and refuse to believe in it are the ones who turn out to be the most Clairvoyant!!