Do you know one shared quality between the Religious Extremists and leading Politicians? No matter what “Religion” they might profess, they tend to operate on the same principle, the Authority of Power. However, their approaches differ. Some are aggressive and demanding, some are manipulative and misleads the public, while some are far too smart to play-pretend. Power is their one true destiny. And they will go to any length to obtain it, even if it involves dividing and ruling.
Voltaire once wrote, “when it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.”
The United Nations has done nothing but incite war within multiple regions and countries worldwide since the Second World War ended. When the powerful countries export the vast majority of weapons and ammunition, peace speeches have little meaning. The ultimate goal is to fulfill their Economic Interests by exploiting the rest of the world as puppets. Their hypocrisy is so pervasive that they will even form alliances when it is convenient for their interests, confident that the general public will not notice. In short, any country or continent with more resources and geographical superiority has more power to exercise authority.

Cultural Experience
Religion appears on every birth certificate without prior consent in all parts of the globe. Early on, the children receive instruction to follow their respective religious practices without having the option of opting out. However, I must admit that despite growing up in a Hindu household, I have never felt confined to putting my faith in a particular God. Speaking only for myself, neither my parents nor my family members have ever forced me to go to temples. The tradition of our culture continues to believe in light, energy, karma, and that hell and heaven exist right here, on earth.
You see, Hinduism has too many gods, and people worship them without adequate concrete proof of their existence. Moreover, it ranks among one of the oldest spiritual practices, dating back to pre-Indus Valley Civilizations. However, as a believer in one source or supreme power, I had been skeptical of Hinduism for many years. Perhaps I do not acquire enough knowledge on the ancient scripts of Hinduism to comment on those beliefs.
Regardless, it never changed my curiosity to learn more about the dynamics of different religions and their beliefs about how they influence society. Hanging out with diverse people from all over the world, I tried exploring this whole religious concept societally. As a companion of nearly all Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Backgrounds, I have understood that human attitudes and behavior are fundamentally the same at their core.
Religious Extremism
Religious Extremists, however, continue to divide humanity because they keep promoting one ideology over another by constantly converting weak minds. Furthermore, the spiritual realm has become a battleground for conversion due to Religious Extremists. At one point, I was on the verge of converting. Aside from my fashion education and interests in the arts, the concept of religious belief has always intrigued me. I, therefore, began reading books and conversing with acquaintances from diverse religious and linguistic backgrounds during my late teens to understand different belief systems.
As I previously mentioned, human beings are inherently the same. However, I felt drawn toward Christianity, as it is a bit darker, gothic, and modern compared to the rest of civilization. It also has the largest number of followers in the world. I gradually became immersed in it and often attended Sunday Church services. Until one day, a priest addressed us on the importance of converting to Christianity as the only way to be blessed by Jesus. After almost getting carried away with that, my Christian friends strongly recommended following other pastoral authorities as an alternative. As I considered this, I questioned why the Almighty would care what religious system I adhered to on paper if there was only one Creator. By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I was beginning to question the entire existence of religious tradition and beliefs.

Many people claim to believe in one supreme being, or one God, so why Convert to a New Religion? I have earlier stated that people are engraved with religious beliefs at birth without their consent, and now, I know I am contradicting myself somehow by saying converting is unnecessary. But the question is, do people Convert because of their “Choice” OR due to Societal Fear and Political Pressure?
Converting to a different religion can be sparked by several factors. Active conversion by choice due to a change in beliefs, secondary conversions, and deathbed conversions are examples that support my first statement. However, the forced conversions for romantic relationships, economic interests, and political gains are incomprehensible. Still, my concern regarding the necessity of conversion remains unanswered.
While going through a state of conversion in my early 20s, I became lost and vulnerable due to many personal events unrelated to my religious faith. Nevertheless, since I was concerned about the differences between religions and still seeking answers about the Belief System today, I was eager to adopt anything that felt inviting. Despite my inability to arrive at a definitive conclusion, I have learned that if you belong to a given religion, regardless of the nation in which you reside in the East or the West, there are various material and professional advantages available.

Religion and Politics
Religion and National Political participation are significantly correlated. Identification with a religious tradition reduces enrolment in religious activities, but involvement in church activities in Catholic countries increases interest in political activities. In terms of social matters, religious conversion gives communities a new identity that eventually facilitates social mobility. As a result of their new identity in religious conversion, converts can see themselves and others as equals in a more positive light. Therefore, does that mean that people will only respect you if you behave the “identical” way others do in society? How is that considered Spiritual or Religious?
Spiritual Hypocrisy
Many spiritual activists and seekers believe the world would be a better place to live if we followed one god, but they fight among themselves over whose god is the best or virtuous. They call themselves spiritual yet disrespect the opinions of others. Unless humanity fixes itself and refrains from pointing fingers at each other, it is doomed to disaster. Most spiritual leaders believe they are the best examples of a perfect society but often fail to recognize their inner imperfections. A lack of motivation to address their internal issues and blaming outside forces for all their problems is not what spiritualism is centered around.
Non-vegans, for instance, brag about being animal lovers and humiliate those who consider veganism. What about those professionals in commercial fashion industries campaigning for the environment or soil conservation? In theory, a utopian society is appealing, but how can it ever become a reality when humans are such a hypocrite?
In that regard, it is okay to state that Religion is nothing more than just a deception for Political Benefits and Social Affairs as it differs significantly from the original meaning of Spirituality, which represents a way of living. Often today, people engage in religious disputes, but it is interesting how contrasting religions come together during times of political conflict to benefit in matters of money and power.
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