Almost three years have transpired since the HBO TV Series Game of Thrones (GOT) wrapped with a controversial ending. Indeed, many viewers and fans were disappointed with the series finale, eagerly anticipating that there would be a climax renewal. While my opinion is somewhat contradictory, I was too hopeful for the same!! Perhaps, this is why the overview took so long.
However, now would be the ideal time for a first-hand review of the comprehensive series, GOT, as the first season of House of the Dragon promises to premiere soon. Given that House of the Dragon serves as more of a prequel to Game Of Thrones, viewers can enjoy the new series without closely following Game of Thrones. Then again, wouldn’t you want some insights on the internationally acclaimed television series that aired for eight seasons and attracted millions of fans? This post is to help those newly introduced to GOT get to grips with the new series.
The fantasy drama series is an adaptation based on the storylines of “A Song of Ice and Fire,” a book series by George R. R. Martin, set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and the continent of Essos.
In this mythical world where summers span several decades and winters can last a lifetime, powerful families and houses fight for control of the Seven Kingdoms. From the scheming south and the savage eastern lands to the frozen north and the ancient wall that protects the realm, from the mysterious darkness beyond, conflict erupts across the kingdoms of men as the age-old enemy rises once again to threaten them all.

Game of Thrones focused on the intersection of medieval history and popular fantasy. The fantasy genre is often about good and evil fighting each other, which reflects reality. So Martin, the author and the executive producer of the series, wanted the epic fantasy drama to feel more like historical fiction than contemporary fantasy. The series emphasizes battles, political intrigue, and characters rather than magic and sorcery.
As Martin says, “The greatest horrors in human history aren’t caused by orcs and Dark Lords, but by ourselves.” He explored the relationship between good and evil through redemption and character development. Unlike other fantasy series, GOT allows its audience to view different characters from their perspective. It is a story of duplicity and treachery, dignity and honor, triumph and conquest. In the Game of Thrones, you either win, or you die!!

There were nine Great Houses and Leading Families in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. To be precise, there were more than nine Great Houses. But as the seasons unfold, you will become aware of their importance. Each of these Great Houses has several subsidiary houses serving them. Most of them also have subordinate vassals under them, extending as far as peasants, farmers, and landed knights. It is the responsibility of each of these Great Houses to rule over its territory, collect taxes, and in times of war, raise troops to fight for the king.

House Baratheon
The dominant house in the Stormlands was one of the independent kingdoms of Westeros until the War of Conquest. They ruled as Lord Supreme with the crowned black stag sigil on a gold field. These characters are known for their quick tempers and strength on the battlefield.
House Lannister
The wealthiest and most successful family in Westeros carries the golden lion sigil. Akin to their values and motto, which embodies money, vengeance, witty trickery, and power, these characters can be equally admired and despised. They are known for their loyalty to their family only.

House Stark
Winterfell, an independent kingdom in the north, is ruled by the most beloved of them all. As represented by their sigil, a grey direwolf on a white and green background, their values are honor, stoicism, and strength in adversity. All characters from this family become fan favorites from the beginning until the end.
House Tyrell
The second wealthiest family in Westeros, possessing the largest armies. They carry a golden rose sigil on a pale green field, symbolizing royalty, growth, balance, and their Highgardens (the ruling houses of the Reach). The characters are loving, genuine, and also knowledgeable.

House Greyjoy
The family rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of islands off the west coast of Westeros, from the castle at Pyke. As represented by their sigil, a golden Kraken on black, they ravage the coastal towns of Westeros, seizing whatever they believe beneficial. Although they seem rebellious and aggressive as a bunch, the primary characters are distinct.
House Arryn
Historically the Kings of Mountain and Vale, and more recently as the series has unfolded, the Defenders of the Vale and Wardens of the East under the Targaryen, Baratheon, and Lannister dynasties ruled the Vale of Arryn for millennia. Their sigil, a sky-blue-falcon soaring against a white moon and the blue sky, represents purity, perfection, and the soaring towers within which these characters live.

House Tully
An old noble house of First Men (ethnic groups) origin rules over the Riverlands (central region of Westeros) from the Tully seat to Riverrun. The Tully sigil is a silver trout on a red and blue field, representing hospitality, coherence, and loyalty. The characters of this house are often wise, creative, confident, and risk-takers.
House Martell
The ruling house in the kingdom of Dorne of the Seven Kingdoms carries a sigil featuring a red sun pierced by a golden spear symbolizing war, glory, desire, and the warrior-queen of Mors Martell. It lies in an opposite climate zone than Winterfell (up north where House Stark resides). They are known for their fierce tradition of political independence.

House Targaryen
The ruler of Dragonstone, a noble family of Valyrian descent, once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. As their sigil features a three-headed dragon, they represent power, authority, and mystery. While dragons are understandably fiery, ferocious, and greedy, dragons are also heroic. They are better known for handling these mythical creatures than any other house throughout the seasons and books. And the new series, House of the Dragons, will emphasize more on these aspects.
A significant feature of the series is its exploration of trauma, the people it shapes, and the societies shaped as a result. GOT did more than flesh out the hostility and pain of medieval existence with stories of those who endured rape, disability, child abuse, domestic violence, and other traumatic events. The series mainstreamed the idea that suffering is closer to universal than exceptional, that what we most fear is as much a part of us as anything else. For example, the ability to empathize requires openness and exposure. But, when part of the human experience is considered invisible, those who have suffered from those traumas become isolated.
GOT introduced a new level of honesty about trauma, whose frankness about rape and abuse often caused controversy among critics and viewers. The series emphasizes how suffering shapes lives and echoes across generations through Theon Greyjoy’s broken and twisted body. Then, Cersei Lannister’s abuse and imprisonment as a teenager in a violent marriage. Also, Sansa Stark’s constant suffering from injustice and cruelty as a punishment for her innocence, and so on.

Game of Thrones started as a male-dominated drama, but women’s empowerment became increasingly prominent as the series progressed. The character development of some influential leading females, such as Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, and Sansa Stark, exceeded expectations. It was impressive to see how powerful women battled for the throne. And how painful experiences molded them into formidable and confident women. While many critics and viewers often caused controversies over portraying these women as men and playing dirty like those evil goons. Then again, it wasn’t necessarily about women “trying to be” men. It was more about women overcoming unresolved generational abuse and violence. And their repressed rage and pain overdue ultimately turned “ugly.” In addition, this is also one of the primary reasons why fans expected a better series finale for the characters. Empowering women doesn’t necessarily entail violence!!

Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Cersei Lannister.
Throughout its eight-season run, there was a profound ability to humanize characters and establish their vulnerabilities. The series explored fragility and realism toward mystical elements as it built up to the kind of fantasy spectacle that has formed the backbone of the genre. It was most evident in the lives of Daenerys’ three dragons, which began as hatchlings and grew into monstrous creatures by the series finales. The devastation caused by the dragons during their growth became a more prominent part of the series, especially after “Drogon” burned a young girl to death at the start of season five. And Daenerys chose to chain her dragons under her citadel to prevent them from killing other children. But as the series ended, the misappropriation of fantasy imagery undermined the moral framework of GOT.
For example, the dragons become, over time, an expression of the worst excesses of war and empire. They manifest violence on a grotesque scale that no sane person could ever imagine. In season five, Daenerys chained her dragons for killing innocent children. But her eventual decision to unleash them is an explicit rejection of that empathy was the worst possible way.
The point is that dragons are the symbolism that drives the storyline. And the discovery that they are just flesh and bone crushes something wild and beautiful that we have loved since childhood. While dragons are large, powerful, and highly destructive, they are also fragile. They can be shot down, ripped apart, and profaned because of their sense of majesty and wonder. And its greatest spectacles, many starring dragons, display both awe and terror, as well as a terrible vulnerability that amplifies these emotions.
Fans may not like the ending, but the reality of life is what it is!! On a personal note, my emotions conflict with the outcome. In human terms, killing so many innocent lives may seem wrong. But Daenerys suffered a betrayal by her people, and she waited far too long. The writers portrayed the reality of life, power, politics, and human connections.
Perhaps, the new series, House of the Dragons, has something more exciting for the fans. Then again, we have all heard stories about the Targaryen Mad King from GOT. Reportedly, he won’t be featured in the new series, focusing instead on the white-haired Targaryens.