The Human Mind is a majestic playground and a magical realm of its masters that can equally play as a graceful servant and a ruthless dictator. It can neither be accurately defined nor fully explained!!
Jubi Jia.
This post represents a series of three acrylic paintings using traditional art practices and design concepts to convey “The Mind,” utilizing the contemporary “chiaroscuro” effects. If you closely go through all my artworks, you will observe that they all reflect influences from different eras of art. I have always been fascinated by the most revolutionary art movements, from Surrealism and Cubism to Early Expressionism and Non-objective Abstracts.
However, all my art creations emanate from singular themes and styles of Expressionism.

The creative vision behind this series of paintings was prompted directly by The Mind.
This painting series seeks to visually represent the enchanting ambiance of the mind that words cannot adequately articulate. The scientific community presents multiple theories on the structure and function of the brain and human intelligence, including several religious influences emphasizing the brain as a tool for human behaviors and feelings. Then again, this post isn’t about demonstrating what we already know but more to do with its magnificent character.
The first canvas depicts “The Mind” as an open-ended or unfilled space. For example, the minds of infants are devoid of emotions, knowledge, and desires. In the early years of life, even with older children, human minds lack awareness and insights into the surrounding environment. It is open-minded, curious, flexible, and wandering. Everything the sensory organs receive and experience, “the mind” incorporates those complex perceptions. And it processes those pieces of information for interpretation.

The ambiguity in the physical world consumes “the mind” in the second canvas, enclosing it behind bars of darkness and uncertainty. At this stage, the brain adapts to its outside world and acquires knowledge of languages, interpersonal social interactions, etc. However, “the mind” lacks the reasonings for its nature and character. While the subconscious knows what, how, and when to perform its tasks for its masters, it does not understand “why” it should assist them. And that confines the mind imprisoned with a relentless stream of thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Eventually, on canvas three, “the mind” begins to play games and tricks on its masters. Here, the piece portrays barehanded control of the brain. And the ambiguity of its intelligence also baffles its master. The battles with illusions and deceptions, incapacitating its master with more games and trickery. While “the mind” becomes aware of its majestic power and control, its consciousness increases. Thus, the inner conscience brings the mind closer to its master, allowing it to play gleefully or despairingly.