Have you heard about the term Social Currency?
Traditionally, Social Currency or Social Capital refers to the relationship between a business and its consumers. It pertains to online social networks, influence currency, or affiliations concerning brands that raise their visibility to a larger market.

Social Currency and its Impact
The rapid development of Internet services, especially its use on mobiles, offers many contents of Prosocial Behaviors, which benefit all individuals and communities alike.
Social Currency promotes Prosocial Behavior. The development of positive personalities, and positive social adaptation contribute to human survival and advancement. However, theoretical research in this field still falls far behind the development of practice and evidence on the impact of Social Currency on Prosocial Behavior.
Furthermore, from the perspective of business and marketing, a business that provides information and value to consumers builds Social Capital and solidifies its market position. It is relatively straightforward for a customer to purchase a product from browsing to checkout. However, if you want to turn customers into brand ambassadors or loyal customers, you need something else, and that something else is Social Currency. In marketing terms, it is part of something called Contagious Marketing.
What started as a marketing strategy for brand identity and social capital through a network of social channels has now evolved into a lifestyle!!
Society has embraced technology that measures their daily activities through electronic devices while evaluating their interactions with others via likes, comments, and shares across several digital mediums. Hence, it may not be delinquent to imagine that the Parallel Reality of the modern generation is traveling faster than the velocity of light with evolving technologies directing toward a robotic era. For example, Digital Socialites today are increasingly obsessed with Image Control, portraying everything as “flawless” on their social profiles. The fear of losing followers or being judged by others prevents Digital Socialites from sharing boring content and their authentic selves. The spread of hovering positivity on social channels has amplified a mania regardless of its certainty. But overgeneralizing an optimistic state of mind can only negate, minimize, and invalidate the real human experience.
How far would society advance to increase its Social Currency?
Why are the ongoing mortals leading towards a sadistic lifestyle? Is this the transformed civilization for the vast majority of the human race? Why is the fundamental element of “Kindness” diverted toward a culture of “Toxic Positivity?”
Human society often judges those who do things differently. While people often debate inclusivity, diversity, and uniqueness, the world rarely accepts those who are brave enough to stand out. That impedes many from being themselves. People should not feel guilty for having an array of emotions sometimes, as it only demonstrates the human aspects of life. Repressing negative feelings is toxic to our minds, body, and soul. And it is perfectly legit not to express every little sentiment on a public platform. But it is equally corny to fake positivity without being sincere.
“The fabricated identities on social media networks are often highly influenced by socioeconomic status, causing them to share content or display emotions that only serve to make them Look Good.”

Influence of Social Credit System
In 2014, for instance, the Chinese government introduced the “guidelines for social credit system construction.“ And it has rapidly evolved over the years. Initially, the concept of “Social Credit” was tested in the early 2000s before imposing a mandated rule in the country. Additionally, it targeted the well-being of the citizens in terms of financial growth, lower-level crimes, etc. The Government of China monitors evidence of every individual through an online score rating application maintained by citizens. Moreover, surveillance cameras are positioned in every nook and cranny of the district to help prevent criminal activities.
High-rated citizens are rewarded with economic benefits and liabilities. And low-rated citizens suffer from low allowances, such as travel restrictions, financial growth, etc. Chinese government policies seem to be quite successful in lowering criminal records and increasing the economic benefit of their country. While we cannot ignore reality, there are further threats to society when confronted with living in a “socially approved world,” where individuals are unique and diverse in their opinions and perspectives on several subject matters.
Every individual should have the freedom to express their viewpoints. As a result, numerous journalists, writers, and moviemakers in China find it forbidden to publish any content against their lawmakers. They are immediately black-listed for raising their views on any political affairs. Now is that fair?

What is the meaning of Capital without having your Freedom of Choice?
It is the first time in the history of Humanity that a Nation governs itself as a Digital Dictatorship producing “Emotionless Puppets.” What exactly does that mean? Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. Besides, many are so inured and hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Most Chinese citizens believe they are working together for the greater good of their country. Many think this type of social control goes against the tide of the world.
Apart from China, the rest of our global population, especially on social networks, plays an equivalent activity without having any strict laws imposed upon them. And this ultimately demonstrates the need for approval or validation to survive in present-day society.
Simply put, it promotes a Status-Driven Culture.
The Sophomoric Digital Socialites undoubtedly share a lot of positivity among themselves, with very little darkness underlying their emotional trajectories. And you may not always see the whole picture on social networks because sometimes there is nothing but incredible anxiety and depression hovering beneath these smiley surfaces.
Well, it is heartbreaking to be a segment of a generation filled with sad souls yet happy outlooks. And all for the sake of some Social Currency.